Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Gay parents make great kids!


In the article "New Study: Gay parents=Great Kids!"  states that gay parents are raising great kids. This might be due to the fact that they are trying to over compensate for the fact that the child may have either two mothers or two fathers. These parents are making the greatest efforts to raise their children well. A new study by family therapist Arlene Istar Lev shows that children of gay and lesbian individuals and couples are actually better adjusted and have fewer social problems than peers raised by heterosexuals. Not everyone grows up with the same family structure and children now and days are becoming more aware of this. Family should not be define of who makes up the family but the loved and bonds shared between them. Below is a video of an extraordinary man who was raised by two lesbians in the state of Iowa, he is a successful engineer and a extremely smart guy. He states that his family is no different from anyone else's family; the only difference is how they are viewed by the state. He never felt that his family was any different from anyone else's, they did the same activities as other kids were doing. 

Thursday, February 16, 2012

LOVE makes a family

What defines a family? Is it a father, mother and children or is it the love shared between these people? Is just a mother and her children not considered a family because they do not have a father figure? Or will you still consider the unconditional love shared between a mother and her children a family? SO who can define what makes a family and what can be considered a family. Why can't a family be two mothers or two fathers? Family is LOVE and the strong bond built between people; not everyone can have a "perfect" family. Are ALL children with a mother and father really HAPPY? Throughout the years the structure that has defined family has changed to being more about what is shared between them then who is the one creating it. A child can be loved by anyone who truly loves and genuinely cares about their well being; no matter their gender or race. 

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

We ALL have RIGHTS!!!

"All men are created equal" according to the constitution so why does the government decide that marriage is ONLY legal between a man and a women and takes the right away from the people who want to marry the same sex. The influence that the church is having on this law is a problem; the church and government separated centuries ago. Who is anyone to judge or say what God finds to be right or wrong. God hates the sin not the sinner. Yes it is in the bible that marriage is between a man and a women but there are many other things in the bible that we ALL do and is consider a sin. SO why are we condemning the gays based on the bible. NO one is free of sin and no one is in any position to start judging people base on their sexual orientation.